Aging Room Cigars
Aging Room Cigars is a distinguished brand founded by Rafael Nodal, known for its artisanal approach to cigar blending. Established in 2010, Aging Room has quickly risen to prominence in the premium cigar industry, earning accolades and a loyal following among aficionados. The brand's success is significantly attributed to its collaboration with renowned cigar maker AJ Fernandez, whose expertise in Nicaraguan tobaccos enhances the quality and complexity of each blend.
Key Highlights
- Founders: Rafael Nodal, originally from Cuba, and AJ Fernandez, a master cigar maker, combine their talents to create unique and high-quality blends that resonate with enthusiasts.
- Accolades: The brand has received numerous awards, including the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua being named Cigar Aficionado's #1 Cigar of the Year in 2019, scoring an impressive 96 points.
- Product Lines: The Aging Room portfolio includes several notable lines, such as Aging Room Quattro, Aging Room Core, and Aging Room Rare Collection. Each line features various vitolas, offering a range of flavor profiles and strengths to cater to different preferences.
Aging Room Cigars stands out for its dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and the art of blending. Under the vision of Rafael Nodal and the expertise of AJ Fernandez, the brand has carved a niche in the premium cigar industry, appealing to both seasoned aficionados and newcomers. Each Aging Room cigar promises a unique and enjoyable smoking experience, reflecting the artistry behind every blend. Whether you choose the Quattro Nicaragua or any other line, you can