Cigar Paradise Blend
Cigars Embellished with the Strong Tradition of our Artisans!
Cigar Paradise was the first blend created representing the family heritage. The rich and extensive tobacco tradition inspired Mr. Diaz, a fourth-generation cigar roller and master blend, to create a mix of tobacco leaves with similar taste than his motherland, Cuba.
Cigar Paradise is an earthy medium blend marked by a creamy and aromatic flavor with medium profile character and well-balanced notes. To make this blend we use three types of wrappers such as Habano, Habano Rosado and Corojo. The use of these determines its flavor profile. Within this collection we will find natural taste and sweet taste cigars.
Family Tribute Connecticut Churchill
FAMILY TRIBUTEOriginal price $ 13.50 - Original price $ 337.50Original price $ 13.50 - Original price $ 337.50Original price $ 13.50$ 13.50 - $ 286.88$ 13.50 - $ 286.88Current price $ 13.50| /This mild to medium cigar is a rich, smooth, well-cured Nicaraguan-grown Connecticut Wrapper vest with a silky texture. The coconut flavor and eart...
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