CIGAR PARADISE - all cigars
Cigars Embellished with the Strong Tradition of our Artisans!
Cigar Paradise was the first blend created to represent the family heritage. The rich and extensive tobacco tradition inspired Mr. Diaz, a fourth-generation cigar roller, to develop a mix of tobacco leaves with a similar taste to his motherland, Cuba.
Cigar Paradise is a medium and creamy blend with earthy and aromatic well-balanced notes. The identity of this collection is remarkable by selecting premium and long-filler tobacco leaves from the Dominican Republic and Honduras, along with Habano, Habano Rosado, and Corojo Maduro wrappers. Usually, but not to be determinant, the darker the wrapper looks, the more robust the notes and flavors are. Within this collection, a sweet-tip-tasting version is available for purchase.
Cigar Paradise Habano Toro
CIGAR PARADISEOriginal price $ 12.50 - Original price $ 312.50Original price $ 12.50 - Original price $ 312.50Original price $ 12.50$ 12.50 - $ 265.63$ 12.50 - $ 265.63Current price $ 12.50| /Elegant cigars future a beautiful brown Habano wrapper delivering a medium to complete bodied profile, great aroma, and earthy flavors blending wit...
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Cigar Paradise Maduro Toro
CIGAR PARADISEOriginal price $ 12.50 - Original price $ 312.50Original price $ 12.50 - Original price $ 312.50Original price $ 12.50$ 12.50 - $ 265.63$ 12.50 - $ 265.63Current price $ 12.50| /Elegant cigars future a beautiful corojo maduro wrapper delivering a medium to complete bodied profile, great aroma, and earthy flavors blending wi...
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Cigar Paradise Rosado Toro
CIGAR PARADISEOriginal price $ 12.50 - Original price $ 312.50Original price $ 12.50 - Original price $ 312.50Original price $ 12.50$ 12.50 - $ 265.63$ 12.50 - $ 265.63Current price $ 12.50| /Elegant cigars future a beautiful Habano Rosado wrapper delivering a medium to complete bodied profile, great aroma, and earthy flavors blending wi...
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